
Draw the line in the fight against termites.

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Termites (sometimes known as white ants), are a constant threat to your home and business. They can cause extensive damage and even destroy building structures if not managed correctly by a qualified pest controller. Any structure containing wood or wood products, is exposed to possible termite attack and damage.

Termites destroy more homes in Australia than fire, floods and storms. This damage is not covered by regular home insurance, which is why it’s important for home and business owners to have yearly inspections. Thorough inspections can determine whether infestations and damage are present. We work with you and explain what measures are needed and what conditions encourage termites to attack, so together we can work on preventing and controlling termites.  

It is essential that Termites are managed and controlled by qualified pest technicians, The Professionals Pest Controllers are experts in Termite management and control, and we provide solutions for your home and business.

  • One in every five homes in Australia is effected by termite damage.
  • Australia is home to the most destructive termites in the world.
  • The Northern Beaches of Sydney is regarded as one of the most hazardous areas in the country for termites.
  • Did you know that termites destroy more homes each year than fire, flood and storms combined?

Watch  the Video – Termites the common questions answered.

Signs of Termites

It is often very hard to see termites until it’s too late. This is why it’s recommended you have yearly termite inspections for your home and business. If left, Termites can have a very significant impact on the site or structure and have a huge impact financially.

Some indications that termites might be present are listed below however, it is very hard to see termites which is why we stress the importance of annual inspections:

  • Any cracked or bubbling paint or frass (termite droppings).
  • Papery timber or wood that sounds hollow when tapped.
  • A swarm of winged insects in your home or from the soil around your home.
  • Mud tunnels also known as tubes on exterior walls, wooden beams or under the house.
  • Discarded wings from swarmers.

If you are seeing any of these signs, call us today on +61 (2) 9979 5048 or contact us online to arrange an inspection.  

Termite Inspection

Early detection of termite activity can prevent enormous financial and property, loss and damage.  An annual Termite Inspections is your best protection against termites. Without it, you can face large scale property damage resulting in expensive repairs and treatment.

The Professionals Pest Controllers uses the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to thoroughly asses your home or business.  As a part of our thorough inspections, we carefully detail and asses what conditions attract termites to your home or business and provide solutions on how you can address these situations – it’s an integrated approach.  

On completion of the Termite inspection, you will receive a full written report which our technician will talk you through. Face-to-face they will answer any questions on the spot. Our report details problems that may have been identified, as well as our recommendation which will outline a plan to protect and treat your home or business for termites.

If you’re interested in discussing what specialist termite services we offer, call us today on +61 (2) 9979 5048 or contact us online to arrange an inspection.