Working closely with local councils and regularly being recommended by the Food Safety Health Inspectors, gives The Professionals Pest Controllers in-depth knowledge and experience to develop and carry out effective and efficient pest management plans.
Each treatment and action plan is individually tailored and developed to suit the needs of each individual. It requires an integrated approach and partnership between the business and your pest technician. The Professionals Pest Controllers are passionate about working with businesses to achieve the best results in managing and preventing pests.
Our experience means that we are fully trained on government law and regulation, which states that all food areas must be free from pests, vermin and contaminations. Not complying with this law not only becomes a costly experience, your reputation could also be damaged if you’re forced to close down your business and be “named” and “shamed”.
The Professionals Pest Controllers also offer your business training and knowledge sessions as part of their integrated pest management approached for the restaurant and food services industry including: